Growth Mindset: Failing Superman

Failing Superman
This video touched on some very, very important issues regarding the American schooling system. One aspect the video discussed was the school systems hyper-rigid structure. This structure prevents young people from pursuing what they're good at, what they're passionate about, and what excites them. It has been clear that this method of schooling only promotes an emphasis on grades, not an emphasis on learning. I was very interested in the new system that the video creator proposed. He suggested a sort of points system that allowed students to select topics that they were interested in, earning points towards a diploma. I had never heard of this kind of learning system before, but I think it would be highly successful. Growing up homeschooled, I was able to learn in a similar way. I loved my education, and feel like it prepared me well for life beyond middle school and high school. Because this video was made it 2013, I am interested to see if any schools have implemented this kind of inclusive, un-schoooling, system. I want to research schools with unorthodox curriculum (or curricula, as the video suggested) and see if they are having any success.


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