"Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so... get on your way! Kid, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS" (Dr. Seuss)
Spring break, y'all. That was a MUCH needed rest. I hope everyone had as wonderful and peaceful and adventurous time as I did. I got to see the Grand Canyon for the first time in my life, and let me tell you, I was NOT disappointed. It was so beautiful and big and wondrous. Everyone should take the time to see this magnificent work of creation at least once in their lives.
Personal Image: Me at the Grand Canyon South Rim |
I spent most of Spring Break in Phoenix, watching baseball, hiking, and reading books by the pool. I probably should have spent a little time on schoolwork, but alas I didn't even check my email that week. One of the funnest things me and my friends got to do was run in a race dressed as giant sausages at a Milwaukee Brewers spring training game.
The Famous Racing Sausages are a trademark of the Brewers, and it was so fun getting to experience what it's like to be a 10ft chorizo sausage.
Personal Image: Me as a Sausage and my 6'1" dad
Getting back to Oklahoma and realizing all of the work I have was NOT fun. I graduate in seven weeks (yikes!) and I am not at all ready. Yesterday I was feeling VERY overwhelmed with all of my upcoming projects, but a conversation with a girl at work made me remember that there's always a reason to feel stressed, but there's also always a reason to be at peace. I know that I have a lot to do, but I know that I can do it. And if I can't, oh well. That doesn't make me less of a person or less valuable or less purposeful. I'm excited to make every moment count and do everything with excellence.
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